
If you have questions, suggestions, hints and tips you are more than welcome to contact us

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Add your details here if you would like to come in contact with us. We are here to help, assist and contribute with our knowledge.
If you would like to schedule a meeting or have an urgent inquiry, just give us a call. -
Looking forward to hear from you!

Dr. Emil Byström


SpinChem AB
Tvistevägen 48C
SE-90736 Umeå, Sweden

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If you have any questions, suggestions, hints and tips you are more than welcome to contact us via email or why not give us a call? For a quotation please send an email.



In-stock items are prepared and shipped within two business days from order, worldwide, unless otherwise stated. General delivery time is two business days within Europe and five business days worldwide.

The design of the RBR reactor allows the catalyst to be separated from the reaction mixture without any losses and additional operations such as filtration, washing and drying, as is the case when a batch reactor is used.

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