Application 1031 Rotating bed reactor in an IBC

Processing an IBC with a rotating bed reactor

The IBC, also called “tote”, is a common storage container in many industries. In a chemical manufacturing plant or a waste treatment facility there might be hundreds of these or more, with a capacity of approximately 1,000 liters (275 gallons). Whether they are filled with raw material, finished product or waste, the transfer of liquids to and from IBCs can be cumbersome or even hazardous.

The rotating bed reactor enables processing directly in the storage container. The IBC add-on is easily installed on your IBC for processing without having to transfer the liquid to and from treatment plants or other reactor vessels.

In this example, 600 L of a liquid was decolorized using the ProRBR IBC add-on. The rotating bed reactor was filled with an ion exchange resin. The treatment time was on the order of hours, and the time can be controlled by adjusting the stirring speed of the rotating bed reactor.

Plot of absorbance representing the concentration of a dye in the IBC versus time.

Our customers have used the IBC add-on to remediate contaminations and produce valuable materials directly in the storage container. This has increased their responsiveness to variations in the quality of the starting material.

Simplify your liquid processing today! Reach out to us for a tailored quote.